Hi friends! I hope your week is treating you well! Despite being stuck at home the past two months, I’ve managed to stay busy and have prevented boredom. Being stuck at home doesn’t have to feel terrible! I’ve learned to embrace it, how to overcome having too much free time, and truly combat boredom. So today I’m sharing how to not be bored at home!
Want to learn how to be more productive working from home? Check out my work from home series!
How To Beat Boredom At Home
In today’s post I’m talking through exactly how to beat boredom at home! We’ll dive into things I’ve done to avoid becoming frequently bored, tips friends have given me, and ideas to stay busy while being stuck at home.
Things To Do When You Are Bored
When I get bored, it’s not good for my mental state, whatsoever! Back in October, I started making a to do list and daily schedule every morning before starting my day. This helped me significantly! For instance, I would make my morning cup of coffee, sit down at my desk and write out everything I had to get done. I then would share it to social media to be held accountable!
So do yourself a favor and make a to do list, and have a morning routine. This way you’ll have a full list of things to do when you are bored, vs waiting for that feeling of boredom.
Tips To Stay Motivated
Set Goals
Being stuck at home gave me a reason to set new goals and learn new things. So I suggest sitting down and writing out three realistic goals for yourself. Then under each goal, write down three ways to get there and map out your own success!
Plan Ahead
Use a virtual calendar like Artful Agendas to plan your month, week and day! I began planning content ahead of time (which was a huge downfall for me previously), and have seen significant improvement in some aspects of my business. Use your google calendar or a physical calendar to plan ahead.
Find New Hobbies
There’s plenty of activities to do. For instance, reading, listening to an audible book, drawing, or photography can entertain you and take up some time! So keep reading to the next section for more details.
Activities To Combat Boredom At Home
Being stuck at home doesn’t mean we have to be bored! I’ve taken the time to learn new things, grow my social media, engage and meet new people in the social media “world”, and think a ton about the success and direction of my business.
In addition, I went back to the basics. I was born in 1987, and in elementary school, the first computers were out! There was no world wide web, and all of our fun had to be game related, or sports. I really was never bored!
Thinking back to childhood, I used to play games, paint, draw, read books (well sometimes), and write. Although I’d love to be in a coffee shop working or hanging out with friends, it’s simply not reality at this point!
Here’s some of the activities that you can do to prevent boredom, that require little to no materials!
Read a Book or Download audible!
Personally I’m not a huge reader, but I do love listening to books. Audible is a great option.
Paint By Numbers
A few of my friends told me about their new painting hobby. It’s a great idea, and also can be framed! So there’s a few great ones below!
Places to shop for Paint By Numbers:
Do A Puzzle
Puzzles are such a fun way to exercise your brain, while combating boredom. You can even create a custom puzzle on Etsy! Click the images below to shop.
Play Board Games
My favorite thing to do as a kid was play games. Monopoly was by far my favorite! Have fun with it, grab battleship or Uno and play with your spouse or roomie!
Start a blog!
I started my blog as a hobby, and turned it into my full time gig. You can read my story on starting a blog HERE. Obviously you don’t have to take it super seriously, but it could be a fun thing to do to combat boredom while you’re home!
Start a Diary
Not sure about blogging, start a diary! In fact, writing can be therapeutic. Being stuck at home can trigger many emotions, so write them down or type them into your own personal diary.
Learn How to Cook
I used to despise cooking. In addition, I hate buying expensive ingredients, cooking at home for hours, and eating for five minutes. So I truly used to find zero pleasure in it! I could be happy eating cereal for dinner or scrambling up some eggs. I’m super simple with food!
My husband is exactly the opposite. He LOVES a good home cooked meal, but he doesn’t cook. Funnily enough, his brother is a chef at one of the top five restaurants in New York City! Needless to say when my husband and I moved in together, I felt compelled to learn cooking basics.
Before being stuck at home, I cooked about twice a week. Since being stuck at home, I committed to learning how to cook (while keeping it simple), and I have stuck to cooking five nights a week. Honestly, my husband has never been happier (or more full). It’s also helped me stay busy and prevent nighttime boredom.
Workout At Home
For the past two months, I’ve made it a point to schedule in an at home workout or go on a walk. It’s not easy, but I know that if I don’t exercise, I can fall into a negative mindset and feel depressed. Adding in five days a week of exercise is extremely important for my mental state and overall productivity! It also overcomes some boredom I have, because I’m filling my day up more.
Here’s some at home workout equipment and affordable accessories and clothes worth the money:
Want to know if the Peloton is worth it? Check out my Peloton blog post review!
The moral of the story here is that there are a lot of things you can do to prevent boredom and take up your free time! Don’t let yourself get to a place where you’re constantly feeling bored, because there’s so much you can do to entertain yourself!