Our Engagement/Love Story!
Today marks our 1 year engagement-versary and I thought it was the perfect time to share how he proposed and a bit of our back story!
For those of you who know us, you know we’ve been together since practically forever! My fiancé, Jesse and I met just about half my life ago, when we went on a traveling ‘teen tour’ in 2003. If you haven’t heard of a teen tour, it’s basically just an awesome traveling camp for teenagers (our trip was about 4 weeks long).
Back in the early 2000’s (yes i’m dating myself!) none of us had texting and most of us didn’t even have cell phones but we did use AOL Instant messenger (otherwise known as AIM”). Once the trip ended, everyone exchanged AIM screen names, and simply kept in touch that way.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that Jesse and I would stay in touch for so long! We’d talk here and there, but years past and we both decided to go to different colleges (GO WILDCATS!!).
After about 4 years of not seeing each other, Jesse told me he was heading with his family to San Diego, which was only a 5 hour drive from Scottsdale. I told my sister and my mom, and we thought it would be fun to go on a girls trip to SD, and I could see Jesse (we really were just friends but knew there was something more there).
Of course the second I saw him, it was magnetic. Don’t ask me if I believe in love at first sight, I really just believe when you know you know! At that young age, I just knew I never felt that way before!
We spend the weekend hanging out, and immediately made plans to visit each other… and the rest was history! We finished up college, I moved home for a while, and then followed my dreams to NYC. He lived about 2 hours away, and we made long distance work.
Fast forward four years and and a puppy later, and we left NYC and headed to Arizona for warmer weather and an easier lifestyle. Don’t get too excited, another two years passed and a second dog later, and Jesse finally popped the question!!
I don’t want to bore you with too many details, but we’ve obviously had a TON of things happen in between. We’ve been through amazing life moments, terrible loss, and everything in between and somehow we fit so well.
He waited until he was ready to propose, and I’m so glad he did (although sometimes I wish he didn’t wait SO long, I’m so happy we’re getting married in April!!).
Basically I was in a huge hurry to get home to pick Jesse up for our dinner reservation. I zoomed into the drive way (literally as fast as possible) and when the garage was opening, I noticed there were rose petals everywhere and I just knew he was proposing. Silly me, I didn’t even notice the HUGE “MARRY ME” sign on top of the house (everyone makes fun of me for not noticing!).
I hopped out of the car and just started crying of happiness! He had our song playing, champaign waiting, and our two doggies there. It was perfect. Just us, just how I would have wanted it!
I feel so blessed and excited to marry this man and move forward as a true unit!
Here’s some fun pictures down memory lane for you to enjoy 🙂
You guys look simply loving! I’m happy for both of you. Wish you long life and happiness all the way. Congrats for your anniversary!
Thanks SO much love!!!!!
You two are honestly the cutest couple and your story is adorable! Thank you so much for sharing it. I wish you two nothing but happiness and I’m excited to see the wedding pictures!
Felicity | http://oliverandmoose.com
Thank you SO much Felicity!!!! You’re so sweet and I’m so thankful for the love